Learn To Solve It¶
This is a companion website to learn C programming using K&R book. It uses modern tools, and is designed to be used along with the book.
I recommend https://exercism.org as the platform to learn Programming and practice with a dedicated community.
Reference Books
C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie.
C Programming¶
- Chapter 1
- Section 1.1 Getting Started
- Exercise 1.1 - testing hello, world
- Section 1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expressions
- Section 1.3 The for statement
- Exercise 1.3 - Temperature Convertor
- Section 1.4 Symbolic Constants
- Exercise 1.4 - Temperature Convertor
- Section 1.5.1 File Copying
- Section 1.5.2 Character Counting
- Section 1.5.2 Character Counting2
- Section 1.5.3 Line Counting
- Section 1.5.4 Word Counting
- Section 1.5 Character Input and Output
- Exercise 1.5 - Temperature Convertor in Reverse
- Section 1.6 Arrays
- Exercise 1.6 - Verify the value of EOF
- Section 1.7 Functions
- Exercise 1.7 - Value of EOF
- Exercise 1.8 - Count blanks, tabs and newlines
- Section 1.9 Character Arrays
- Exercise 1.9 - Replace Continous blanks with a single blank
- Section 1.10 External Variables and Scope
- Exercise 1.10 - Explicit Tabs, Backslash and Backspaces
- Exercise 1.11 - Test Word count program
- Exercise 1.13.2 - Vertical Histogram
- Exercise 1.13 - Horizontal Histogram
- Exercise 1.14 - Histogram of Frequency of Characters
- Exercise 1.15 - Temperature Convertor using function call
- Exercise 1.16 - Print length of arbitrary long input line
- Exercise 1.17 - Print lines that are longer than 80 chars
- Exercise 1.18 - Remove trailing blanks and tabs
- Exercise 1.19 - reverse a string
- Exercise 1.20 - detab, replaces tabs with spaces
- Exercise 1.21 - entab, replaces spaces with tabs
- Exercise 1.22 - fold long lines
- Exercise 1.23 - Remove comments from a C program
- Exercise 1.24 - Check rudimentary Syntax Errors in a C Program
- Chapter 2
- Exercise 2.1 - Count the Ranges
- Exercise 2.2 - Write getline without && and || operator
- Exercise 2.3 - Converting Hexadecimal Digits Into Integers
- Exercise 2.4 - Compare S1, S2 To Delete Same Character in S1
- Exercise 2.5 - return the first location in the string s1 comparing s2
- Exercise 2.6 - Setting bits at a position n
- Exercise 2.7-Setting bits at a position n Inverted
- Exercise 2.8-returns the value of the integer x rotated to the right by n positions
- Exercise 2.9 - two’s complement number system
- Exercise 2.10 - upper case letters to lower case
- Chapter 3
- Exercise 3.1 - Binsearch function, writing minimum tests inside a loop
- Exercise 3.2 - escape sequences into the real characters
- Exercise 3.3 - expand short hand notation in s1 into string s2
- Exercise 3.4 - itoa to handle largest negative integer
- Exercise 3.5 - function itob, converts a integer into a string
- Exercise 3.6 - itoa with field width
- Chapter 4
- Exercise 4.1- strindex which returns rightmost occurance
- Exercise 4.2 - Extend atof to handle scientific notation
- Exercise 4.3 - RPN modulus operator and negative numbers
- Exercise 4.4 - RPN Calculator - print two top elements of the stack without popping
- Exercise 4.5 - RPN Calculator with mathematical functions
- Exercise 4.6 - RPN Calculator with variables
- Exercise 4.7 - Function ungets that will push back an entire string onto the input
- Exercise 4.8 - getch and ungetch handling pushback character
- Exercise 4.9 - getch and ungetch handling EOF Character
- Exercise 4.10 - Calculator using getline
- Exercise 4.11 - getline using static
- Exercise 4.12 - convert integer into string by calling recursive routine
- Exercise 4.13 - reverse the string s
- Exercise 4.14 - swap that interchanges two arguments of type t
- Chapter 5
- Exercise 5.1 - get next integer from input to *pn
- Exercise 5.20 - dcl handling declarations with function argument types, qualifiers
- Exercise 5.2 - get next float from input to *pn
- Exercise 5.3 - strcat(s,t) copies the string t to the end of s
- Exercise 5.4 - strend returns 1 if string t occurs at the end of the string s
- Exercise 5.5 - simple versions of strncpy, strncat, and strncmp
- Exercise 5.6 - Find the pattern using pointers
- Exercise 5.7 - Readlines using array
- Exercise 5.8 - program which has day of the year and month day
- Exercise 5.10 - expr, evaluate rpn from command line
- Exercise 5.11 - entab and detab which accepts arguments
- Exercise 5.12 - entab -m + which accepts arguments
- Exercise 5.13 - tail prints the last n lines of input
- Exercise 5.14 - sorting in reverse (decreasing) order
- Exercise 5.15 - fold upper and lower case together
- Exercise 5.16 - -d makes comparison on letters, numbers, blanks
- Exercise 5.17 - Sorting with options
- Exercise 5.18 - recover from input errors
- Exercise 5.19 - undcl does not add redundant parentheses
- Exercise 5.20 - dcl handling declarations with function argument types, qualifiers
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Exercise 7.1 - upper case to lower or lower case to upper
- Exercise 7.2 - print non-graphic characters in octal or hexadecimal
- Exercise 7.3 - minprintf to handle facilities of printf
- Exercise 7.4 - private version of scanf
- Exercise 7.5 - Postfix calculator using scanf
- Exercise 7.6 - Compare Two files
- Exercise 7.7 - Pattern matching program with files
- Exercise 7.8 - Print Pages to Files
- Exercise 7.9 - Analyze implementations of isupper
- Chapter 8
- Exercise 8.1 - program cat using read, write, open and close
- Exercise 8.2 - Rewrite fopen and _fillbuf with fields
- Exercise 8.3 - _flushbuf, fflush and fclose
- Exercise 8.4 - implement fseek
- Exercise 8.5 - inode entry
- Exercise 8.6 - Write calloc, by calling malloc
- Exercise 8.7 - Error checking by malloc
- Exercise 8.8 - bfree maintained by malloc
- Section 8.2 - Buffered and Unbuffered getchar
- Section 8.2 - Read and Write
- Section 8.3 open and create calls
- C Programming Building Blocks