Exercise 4.13 - reverse the string s
Write a recursive version of the function reverse(s), which reverses the string
s in place.
.. literalinclude:: cprogs/ex_4.13_reverse_string.c
:language: c
The main part of this program is the reverser function.
void reverser(char s[],int i,int len)
int c,j;
j = len - (i + 1);
if( i < j )
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
The string to be reversed is taken in the character array `s` and the first
invocation is called with `i=0`. The value `len` stands for the length of the
string. During each invocation, `j` is calculated as `len - (i+1)`, which is the
character from the end which needs to be swapped and characters at `i is
swapped with j`. And then reverser is called again with the next value of i,
i.e, `++i`. This whole operation is done till i (from left hand side of the
string) is less than j (from the right end), i.e, `i < j`.
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