Exercise 5.20 - dcl handling declarations with function argument types, qualifiers


Expand dcl to handle declarations with function argument types, qualifiers like const, and so on.

The implementation of this program is from https://clc-wiki.net/wiki/K%26R2_solutions:Chapter_5:Exercise_20

 * Exercise 5-20. Expand dcl to handle declarations with function argument types, qualifiers like const, and so on.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAXTOKEN 500
#define MAXOUTPUT 5000 // value must be <= 1.8 million to prevent a buffer overflow attack (when x = 99,999, y = 1,800,032 in y = 18x + 50)
#define BUFSIZE MAXTOKEN * 2 // * 2 because system might need to push back two tokens worth of chars

enum returnstatus { OK, ERROR };
enum boolean { FALSE, TRUE };

int processDeclaration(char *declaration, char expectParameter);
int dcl(char *name, char *out, char expectParameter);
int dirdcl(char *name, char *out, char expectParameter);
int parameters(char *out);
int gettoken(void);
int getch(void);
void ungetch(int c);
int contains(char **strs, char *name, int strCount);
char *saferstrcat(char *dst, const char *str, size_t dstsize);
int error(char *msg);

int tokentype;
char token[MAXTOKEN];
int buf[BUFSIZE];
int bufp = 0;

static char *storageClasses[NUMOFSTORAGECLASSES] = { "_Thread_local", "auto", "extern", "register", "static" };
static char *typeQualifiers[NUMOFTYPEQUALIFIERS] = { "_Atomic", "const", "restrict", "volatile" };
static char *typeSpecifiers[NUMOFTYPESPECIFIERS] = { "_Bool", "_Complex", "char", "double", "float", "int", "long", "short", "signed", "unsigned", "void" };

int main(void)
    char out[MAXOUTPUT];
    while (gettoken() != EOF)
        processDeclaration(out, FALSE);
        for (int c = tokentype; c != '\n' && c != EOF; ) // discard rest of line since last token could be ';' or an error occurred
            if ((c = getch()) == EOF)
    return 0;

int processDeclaration(char *declaration, char expectParameter)
    char datatype[MAXTOKEN]; // stores type qualifier, specifier, and storage class info
    char name[MAXTOKEN]; // stores function/variable name
    char out[MAXOUTPUT]; // used to store information gathered by dcl/dirdcl to be used in the final output
    datatype[0] = '\0'; // ensure null terminated

    if (!(tokentype == STORAGECLASS || tokentype == TYPEQUALIFIER || tokentype == TYPESPECIFIER))
        return error("Error: expected a type");
    while (tokentype == STORAGECLASS || tokentype == TYPEQUALIFIER || tokentype == TYPESPECIFIER)
        if (saferstrcat(datatype, " ", MAXTOKEN) == NULL)
            return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
        if (saferstrcat(datatype, token, MAXTOKEN) == NULL)
            return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
        gettoken(); // get tokens until no longer a token for datatype
    for (int i = strlen(token) - 1; i >= 0; i--) // since the while loop gets an extra unneeded token, push it back in reverse order
        out[0] = '\0'; // ensure new out string each loop iteration
        if (dcl(name, out, expectParameter) == ERROR) // dcl updates out based on input
            return ERROR;
        else if (tokentype != ';' && tokentype != ',' && tokentype != ')' && tokentype != '\n') // if the returned output is not one of these chars, an error occurred
            return error("Syntax error");
            if (strcmp(datatype, " void") == 0 && strncmp(out + (strlen(out) - 10), " returning", 10) == 0)
                snprintf(datatype, MAXTOKEN, "%s", " nothing"); // if is function (has the word returning at the end) and it is returning only void, then improve readability by changing type to "nothing"
            if (strcmp(name, " unnamed") == 0) // if name starts with a space, then it is the special flag set by dirdcl for an unnamed parameter
                snprintf(name, MAXTOKEN, "%s", " unnamed parameter");
            if (expectParameter)
                if (out[0] == ' ') // this improves the output formatting. It finds the first variable that starts with a space and replaces the space with a (
                    out[0] = '(';
                else if (datatype[0] == ' ')
                    datatype[0] = '(';
                snprintf(declaration, MAXOUTPUT, "%s %s%s)", name, out, datatype); // store data in declaration which is used by parameters function
            else // if not expecting parameters, then this was called by main. print out English version of the declaration
                printf("%s:%s%s\n", name, out, datatype);
    } while (!expectParameter && tokentype == ','); // loop is just in case received multiple comma separated declarations that aren't function parameters
    return OK;

int dcl(char *name, char *out, char expectParameter)
    int numPointers = 0;
    while (gettoken() == '*') // identify the number of back to back asterisks
    if (dirdcl(name, out, expectParameter) == ERROR)
        return ERROR;
    while (numPointers-- > 0)
        if (saferstrcat(out, " pointer to", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
            return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
    return OK;

int dirdcl(char *name, char *out, char expectParameter)
    if (tokentype == '(') // ( dcl )
        if (dcl(name, out, expectParameter) == ERROR)
            return ERROR;
        if (tokentype != ')')
            return error("Error: missing )");
    else if (tokentype == VARIABLE)
        snprintf(name, MAXTOKEN, "%s", token);
    else if (expectParameter) // if tokentype is not VARIABLE and expecting a parameter, then it is an unnamed parameter
        snprintf(name, MAXTOKEN, "%s", " unnamed"); // the space added is a flag indicates that this is an unnamed parameter instead of a named parameter called unnamed
        expectParameter = FALSE;
        for (int i = strlen(token) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ungetch(token[i]); // push unused token back to input in reverse order
        return error("Error: expected variable name or (dcl)");
    while (gettoken() == '(' || tokentype == BRACKETS)
        if (tokentype == '(')
            if (parameters(out) == ERROR) // found a function so parse its parameters
                return ERROR;
            if (saferstrcat(out, " array", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
                return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
            if (saferstrcat(out, token, MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
                return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
            if (saferstrcat(out, " of", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
                return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
    return OK;

int parameters(char *out)
    char declaration[MAXOUTPUT], expectParameter = TRUE;
    int parameterCount = 0;

    if (gettoken() == ')') // previous token was '(' which means () was found, an old K&R style declaration
        if (saferstrcat(out, " obsolescent non-prototype function declaration with unknown parameters returning", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
            return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
        return OK;
    else if (tokentype == TYPESPECIFIER && strcmp(token, "void") == 0)
        if (gettoken() == ')') // this is true when the type is void and it is the only parameter
            expectParameter = FALSE;
        else if (tokentype == ',') // very basic check to see if void is used incorrectly. Too much work to do it properly
            return error("Syntax error: functions either can have void * parameters or only a single void parameter");
        else // the parameter is not (void), but rather pointer(s) to void (e.g. void *, void **, etc) or it is (int, void), etc.
            for (int i = strlen(token) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                ungetch(token[i]); // push unused token back to input in reverse order
            tokentype = TYPESPECIFIER; // reset tokentype since not (void)
            snprintf(token, MAXTOKEN, "%s", "void"); // reset token since not (void)
    // the ##### is used for padding and will be changed later. 5 #'s are to prevent buffer overflows caused by an insanely large input that fits in an oversized buffer
    if (saferstrcat(out, " function expecting ##### parameters:", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
        return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
    if (expectParameter)
            if (parameterCount++ > 0) // don't call gettoken the first time, but call it each time thereafter
            if (processDeclaration(declaration, expectParameter) == ERROR)
                return ERROR;
            if (strncmp(declaration, " unnamed parameter ", 19) != 0) // check if declaration starts with string
                if (saferstrcat(out, " parameter ", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL) // if parameter has a name, prefix out first before adding the declaration part
                    return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
            if (saferstrcat(out, declaration, MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
                return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
        } while (tokentype == ','); // get all comma separated parameters
    if (tokentype == ')') // after getting parameters, next token should be )
        // this complicated mess is so I can replace the "##### parameters:" string with the parameterMessage in the final output
        char parameterMessage[MAXTOKEN], *p1 = out, *p2 = parameterMessage;
        while (*p1 != '#') // move to first #. this will run before another "##### parameters" is added for the same declaration
        if (parameterCount == 0)
            snprintf(parameterMessage, MAXTOKEN, "no parameters");
        else if (parameterCount == 1)
            snprintf(parameterMessage, MAXTOKEN, "1 parameter:");
            snprintf(parameterMessage, MAXTOKEN, "%d parameters:", parameterCount);
        while (*p2 != '\0') // copy parameterMessage to out until '\0' is reached. Don't copy '\0'
            *p1++ = *p2++;
        for (p2 = p1; *p2++ != ':'; ) // point p2 to p1 and then move p2 to after "##### parameters:"
        while ((*p1++ = *p2++)) // copy after the : to the end of out to where p1 is pointing (the end of the parameterMessage in out)
        if (saferstrcat(out, " returning", MAXOUTPUT) == NULL)
            return error("Error: input too large to fit into buffer");
        return error("Error: expected closing parentheses after parameters");
    return OK;

int gettoken(void)
    int c;
    char *p = token;

    while ((c = getch()) == ' ' || c == '\t') // skip spaces and tabs
    if (c == '(')
        *(p + 1) = '\0'; // terminate token string
        return *p = tokentype = '(';;
    else if (c == '[') // get [#####] and store in token
        for (*p++ = c; (*p++ = getch()) != ']'; )
        *p = '\0';
        return tokentype = BRACKETS;
    else if (isalpha(c) || c == '_') // get name
        for (*p++ = c; isalnum(c = getch()) || c == '_'; )
            *p++ = c;
        *p = '\0';
        ungetch(c); // push back the unneeded extra char
        if (contains(typeSpecifiers, token, NUMOFTYPESPECIFIERS))
            return tokentype = TYPESPECIFIER;
        else if (contains(storageClasses, token, NUMOFSTORAGECLASSES))
            return tokentype = STORAGECLASS;
        else if (contains(typeQualifiers, token, NUMOFTYPEQUALIFIERS))
            return tokentype = TYPEQUALIFIER;
        return tokentype = VARIABLE;

    *(p + 1) = '\0'; // terminate token string
    return *p = tokentype = c; // since not one of the types above, return char as the type and store it's value in the token

int getch(void)
    return (bufp > 0) ? buf[--bufp] : getchar();

void ungetch(int c)
    if (bufp >= BUFSIZE)
        fprintf(stderr, "ungetch: too many characters\n");
        buf[bufp++] = c;

int contains(char **strs, char *name, int strCount)
    for (int i = 0; i < strCount; i++)
        if (strcmp(strs[i], name) == 0)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// concatenates str to end of dst; requires null terminated strings and dst buffer size. Returns null if provided bad pointers or buffer is too small, otherwise returns pointer to dst
char *saferstrcat(char *dst, const char *str, size_t dstsize)
    if (dst == NULL || str == NULL) // if either pointer is NULL, return NULL
        return NULL;
    char *dstStart = dst; // keep track of the base of the string
    size_t dstLen = strlen(dst), strLen = strlen(str); // calcuate the length of both strings once. Prevents the need to do constant checks in the loop
    if (dstLen + strLen >= dstsize) // strlen doesn't count '\0', so if size == dstsize, then not enough space for the '\0' at the end
        return NULL; // concatenating the strings would result in a buffer overflow. So return NULL instead
    dst += dstLen; // move pointer to '\0' at end of string
    while ((*dst++ = *str++)) // copy str to end of dst until str == '\0'. If str == "", the loop copies '\0' and terminates
    return dstStart;

int error(char *msg)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
    return ERROR;


This program is a simple parser that reads a C declaration, breaks down the C declaration into constituent parts and provides a human readable representation of the declaration. It handles basic declaration syntax including pointers, functions, arrays and parameter declarations.

int simple;
simple: int
int dec, *larator, lists[];
dec: int
larator: pointer to int
lists: array[] of int
static char *storage;
storage: pointer to static char
volatile int qualifier;
qualifier: volatile int
long unsigned int compound;
compound: long unsigned int
void arguments(char *name, double time);
arguments: function expecting 2 parameters: parameter name (pointer to char) parameter time (double) returning nothing
int nested_args(char *(*read)(void), void (*write)(char *message));
nested_args: function expecting 2 parameters: parameter read (pointer to function expecting no parameters returning pointer to char) parameter write (pointer to function expecting 1 parameter: parameter message (pointer to char) returning nothing) returning int
void unnamed(char (*)(long));
unnamed: function expecting 1 parameter: unnamed parameter (pointer to function expecting 1 parameter: unnamed parameter (long) returning char) returning nothing
static const long unsigned int (*book2)[13], *book3[13], complex(volatile char (*(*book6(void))[])(char **book1,void *book4(),void (*book5)()),char (*(*book7[3])())[5]);
book2: pointer to array[13] of static const long unsigned int
book3: array[13] of pointer to static const long unsigned int
complex: function expecting 2 parameters: parameter book6 (function expecting no parameters returning pointer to array[] of pointer to function expecting 3 parameters: parameter book1 (pointer to pointer to char) parameter book4 (obsolescent non-prototype function declaration with unknown parameters returning pointer to void) parameter book5 (pointer to obsolescent non-prototype function declaration with unknown parameters returning nothing) returning volatile char) parameter book7 (array[3] of pointer to obsolescent non-prototype function declaration with unknown parameters returning pointer to array[5] of char) returning static const long unsigned int
_Thread_local static int multipleStorageClassSpecifiers;
multipleStorageClassSpecifiers: _Thread_local static int
const volatile int multipleTypeQualifiers;
multipleTypeQualifiers: const volatile int
void everythingSupported(char a, signed char a, unsigned char a, short a, signed short a, short int a, signed short int a, unsigned short a, unsigned short int a, int a, signed a, signed int a, unsigned a, unsigned int a, long a, signed long a, long int a, signed long int a, unsigned long a, unsigned long int a, long long a, signed long long a, long long int a, signed long long int a, unsigned long long a, unsigned long long int a, float a, double a, long double a, _Bool a, float _Complex a, double _Complex a, long double _Complex a, _Atomic int a, const int a, restrict int a, volatile int a, _Thread_local int a, auto int a, extern int a, register int a, static int a);
everythingSupported: function expecting 42 parameters: parameter a (char) parameter a (signed char) parameter a (unsigned char) parameter a (short) parameter a (signed short) parameter a (short int) parameter a (signed short int) parameter a (unsigned short) parameter a (unsigned short int) parameter a (int) parameter a (signed) parameter a (signed int) parameter a (unsigned) parameter a (unsigned int) parameter a (long) parameter a (signed long) parameter a (long int) parameter a (signed long int) parameter a (unsigned long) parameter a (unsigned long int) parameter a (long long) parameter a (signed long long) parameter a (long long int) parameter a (signed long long int) parameter a (unsigned long long) parameter a (unsigned long long int) parameter a (float) parameter a (double) parameter a (long double) parameter a (_Bool) parameter a (float _Complex) parameter a (double _Complex) parameter a (long double _Complex) parameter a (_Atomic int) parameter a (const int) parameter a (restrict int) parameter a (volatile int) parameter a (_Thread_local int) parameter a (auto int) parameter a (extern int) parameter a (register int) parameter a (static int) returning nothing